Embarking on a Journey: My DSA Adventure!


Entering the second year of my Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) program was a thrilling experience, and I was eager to dive deeper into the fascinating world of computer science. It was during this time that I stumbled upon Kunal Kushwaha's Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) playlist.

A New Beginning

Starting the DSA course in my second year of BCA felt like a fresh beginning. The anticipation and curiosity that accompanied this decision were palpable. I had always been drawn to the intricacies of computer science, and now, I have a dedicated resource to guide me in my quest for knowledge.

Discovering Kunal Kushwaha's DSA Playlist

One day, while aimlessly browsing YouTube for programming tutorials, I stumbled upon Kunal Kushwaha's DSA playlist. What caught my attention were the glowing reviews and enthusiastic comments from fellow learners who had benefited from his teaching. Intrigued, I decided to give it a shot. Little did I know that this would be a pivotal moment in my educational journey.

Kunal's Unique Teaching Style

The first video in Kunal's DSA playlist was an eye-opener. Kunal's ability to explain complex concepts with remarkable clarity and simplicity was nothing short of astounding. His real-life examples breathed life into abstract ideas, making them approachable and understandable. But what truly set him apart was his teaching style – it was not just informative, it was engaging. His passion for the subject and genuine desire to help students learn made every video a joy to watch.

From Basics to Achievement

As I progressed through the playlist, covering topics up to arrays, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. Solving a couple of easy-level LeetCode questions, which once seemed like a distant dream, was a significant milestone for me. It was a testament to how effectively Kunal had conveyed the fundamental concepts of DSA. His ability to break down problems and guide us through the thought process was invaluable.

A Newfound Love for Learning

What truly struck me was how Kunal's teaching style made me fall in love with the act of learning itself. His passion for teaching and his ability to make even the most challenging topics comprehensible ignited a spark within me. I realized that a great teacher can make all the difference in one's educational journey. This newfound love for learning extended beyond DSA and made me appreciate the art of teaching as a whole.

Navigating College Professors

While my college professors were undoubtedly knowledgeable, their teaching methods often left much to be desired. Kunal's approach was a refreshing change from the monotony of traditional lectures. He made learning exciting, and I found myself looking forward to his videos, eager to explore more of the DSA world.

Looking Forward

As I continue my journey through Kunal Kushwaha's DSA playlist, I am filled with excitement and determination. I look forward to covering more advanced topics and tackling increasingly complex challenges. With each passing day, my confidence in my programming abilities grows, and I am grateful for the solid foundation Kunal has provided.


My journey into the world of Data Structures and Algorithms through Kunal Kushwaha's DSA playlist has been nothing short of transformative. Embarking on this path in my second year of BCA has ignited a passion for learning and problem-solving that I never knew I had. Kunal Kushwaha's exceptional teaching style has not only made DSA accessible but has also instilled a deep appreciation for the art of teaching itself. As I eagerly anticipate the lessons and challenges that lie ahead, I am confident that this journey will not only enhance my academic pursuits but also shape me into a better programmer and learner.